The Tiger Stirring: Aspects of commuting in the Republic of Ireland 1981–1996


  • Arnold Horner National University of Ireland, Dublin (UCD)



This article reviews, with particular attention to cities and towns, travel to work data collected at censuses of population held in the Republic of Ireland between 1981 and 1996. Notwithstanding certain data limitations, among them the uncertainties associated with a significant ‘not stated’ component, some clear trends are discernible. There has been a significant and widely-spread increase in car-based, longer-distance commuting, to such extent that across the stale in 1996 some 20 percent of persons at work commuted ten miles or more. Cities, particularly Dublin, intensified and expanded their hinterland impact during the eighties and early nineties. While must county and sub-regional centres still have a very significant proportion of their resident population working locally, this group now co-exists with a growing population of longer-distance commuters. The implications of these developments are discussed briefly, with particular reference to the ‘sustainability debate’.

Author Biography

Arnold Horner, National University of Ireland, Dublin (UCD)

Department of Geography



How to Cite

Horner, A. (2015). The Tiger Stirring: Aspects of commuting in the Republic of Ireland 1981–1996. Irish Geography, 32(2), 99–111.



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