Reviews of Maps


  • Arnold Horner University College Dublin



REPRODUCTIONS OF ORDNANCE SURVEY OF IRELAND TOWN PLANS. (1) ‘The Godfrey Edition’. Gateshead: Alan Godfrey, 19867ndash;1989. 12 maps, folded, originally issued 1843–1931 at scales between 1: 1056 and 1: 2500, now reproduced at between 1: 2640 and 1: 4340. IR£2.00 each. ISBN 0 85054 xxxx (xxxx = numbers vary with each map). (2) ‘The Phoenix Maps Series’. Dublin: Phoenix Maps, 1989. 26 maps, folded, originally issued 1842–1912 at scales between 1: 500 and 1: 10,560, now reproduced at between 1: 1700 and 1: 12,000. IR£7.00 each. ISSN 0791-1912. ISBN 1 872259 xxxx (xxxx = numbers vary with each map). Reviewed by ARNOLD HORNER

JOHN ROCQUE'S POCKET PLAN DUBLIN 1757. Reduced from the original scale of 1: 6802 and reproduced at 1: 9748, with a note by J. H. Andrews. Dublin: Phoenix Maps, 1988. IR£3.00. No ISBN. JOHN TAYLORS MAP OF THE ENVIRONS OF DUBLIN 1816. Reproduced at the scale of the original, 1: 40, 320, and accompanied by a booklet (18 pp.) by J. H. Andrews. Dublin: Phoenix Maps, 1989. IR£7.00. ISBN I 872259 02 2. Reviewed by ARNOLD HORNER

Author Biography

Arnold Horner, University College Dublin

School of Geography



How to Cite

Horner, A. (2016). Reviews of Maps. Irish Geography, 22(2), 115–116.



Reviews of Maps


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